Frequently Ask Questions

If your question isn't answered below, don't hesitate to Contact Us Here

1. What can Scott County SWCD do for me?
The Scott County Soil and Water Conservation District serves both rural and urban people, non-agricultural and agricultural organizations, local units of government, individual landowners and others who request assistance. We provide information about soil, water and related natural resource conservation; identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns; and connect land users to sources of education, technical and financial assistance to implement conservation practices and technologies.

2. How do I identify this strange plant or bug I've found?
Take a sample of your find to the Purdue Extension Office located in the basement of the Scott County Courthouse. They can be reached by phone at 812-752-8450.

3. Where can I get my soil tested?
Soil probes and bags can be picked up from Nutrien or J&C Feed Store (812-752-8898), located on State Road 56 east of the Scottsburg Square, and the basement of Scott County Courthouse at the Purdue Extension Office. There will be a charge for this service.

4. Where can I get my water tested?
Environmental Laboratories, 812-273-6699,located in Madison, has test kits available. Contact the Scott County Health Department for more information at (812)752-8455.

5. Who supplies my water?
If you live in the City of Scottsburg, your water is supplied by the Scottsburg Water Treatment plant. Their phone number is 812-752-2477.
If you live anywhere else in Scott County, your water is supplied by the Stucker Fork Water Conservancy District. They can be reached at 812-794-0621.
Information about community water and 'Safe Drinking Water Information Systems' reports can be found by clicking on this link: EPA Safe Water Information

6. Can your agency force my neighbor to correct a problem on his land?
We are not a regulatory agency. If the landowner should request assistance, we can find technical solutions to their problem. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is the responsible agency and can be reached by phone at (317) 232-8603 or toll free in Indiana (800) 451-6027. If the erosion problem is related to a Rule 5 violation (see next question for more information about Rule 5), we can work as a liaison between IDEM and the Developer.

7. What is Rule 5?
The Scott County Soil & Water Conservation District is responsible for reviewing erosion and sediment control plans submitted to them. The purpose of the Rule 5 (327 IAC 15-5) general permit is to establish requirements to protect State Water from adverse affects from stormwater discharges from construction activities. Under Phase 11 of the federal storm water runoff requirements, all soil disturbances of one (1) or more acres require a permit. This includes any manmade change of the land surface, including removing vegetative cover that exposes the underlying soil, excavating, filling, transporting, and grading. For more information about Rule 5 and the proper steps to compliance, please click here.

8. Do you have maps available that I can view?
Visit: Scott County GIS Map There you can find aerial, topographic, hydrologic, demographic and geological maps.

9. Where can I get a Plat book?
Scott County Soil & Water Conservation District no longer provides plat books. Similar information is also available in the County Clerk's office located in the Scott County Courthouse.

10. Where can I get a copy of the Scott County Soil Survey?
Visit the Web Soil Survey or Technical Resources for many soil resources.

11. What type of educational programs do you offer? Who is eligible for a presentation?
Our current Educational program catalog is available by emailing us. These presentations are designed for Elementary students. However, they can be tailored to meet any group's requirements. For more information, please email by clicking here or call 812-752-2269, ext. 3.

12. What type of cost share programs are available?
The Natural Resources Conservation Service offers many types of programs to meet most agricultural needs and even wildlife habitat restorations. Cost share rates vary so it's best to contact the office at 812-752-2269, ext. 3 to set up an appointment with Jennifer Kipper, District Conservationist.
The Farm Service Agency also offers several types of programs to help producers. They can be reached at the same number 812-752-2269, ext. 2.

13. How do I know if my property has a wetland?
Wetland determinations for agricultural programs will be set up through the local USDA Service Center and may have even already been completed for your land. You may find out more information about this in Scott County by calling 812-752-2269, ext. 3.

All other wetland determinations should be made by contacting either of the following agencies:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District Office, Regulatory Program, P.O. Box 59, Louisville, KY 40201, 502-315-6733, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management, Section 401 WQC/Isolated Wetlands Program, 100 N Senate Ave, MC 65-42 WQS IGCN NO45, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 800-451-6027 or 317-233-8488, www.wetlands.IN.gov

14. Where can I get a FEMA map or find out if my property is in a floodplain?
The best source for this information is the FEMA Website.

15. A ditch is obstructed by debris. Who should I talk to?
If the ditch is a regulated drain, you should let the county surveyor know about the obstruction so that it can be removed. If the obstruction is in a private or mutual drain, you must petition the county drainage board requesting that the obstruction will be removed. The surveyor will investigate, and upon finding an obstruction, the drainage board will hold a hearing to determine if the obstruction should be removed (taken from The Hoosier Farmer, November 22, 2010). The Scott County Surveyor can be reached at 812-752-8445. The Scott County Drainage Board can be reached by calling 812-752-8408.

16. Am I liable if a hunter gets hurt on my property?
If you charge someone a fee to hunt on your property, they are a business invitee and you must use reasonable care to protect them while they are on your property. This includes discovering dangerous conditions and warning them about it or fixing the condition. If the individual asked permission to hunt and they do not pay you, the Indiana Recreational Use statute protects you from liability unless a malicious or illegal act on your part caused the injury. The gratuitous sharing of game or services or in-kind contributions for wildlife management are allowed (The Hoosier Farmer, November 22, 2010).

17. Can my neighbor go onto my property to fix drainage tile without my permission?
Generally an individual cannot enter your property without permission. However, there may be an agreement between property owners which allows one to enter the property of another to repair drainage tile. If you share drainage tile with a neighbor or their tile runs across your property, it may be wise to enter into a maintenance agreement to allocate costs and to record a drainage easement so that subsequent purchasers know that it exists (The Hoosier Farmer, November 22, 2010).