What is Rule 5?
Scott County SWCD is here to help answer any questions you have!
Ed Roll
Rule 5 Contractor
The Scott County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is responsible to review erosion and sediment control plans submitted to them. The purpose of the Rule 5 (327 IAC 15-5) general permit is to establish requirements to protect State Water from adverse effects of stormwater discharges from construction activities. Under Phase 11 of the federal storm water runoff requirements, all soil disturbances of one (1) or more acres require a permit. This includes any manmade change of the land surface, including removing vegetative cover that exposes the underlying soil, excavating, filling, transporting and grading.
The SWCD presently contracts Ed Roll to review erosion and sediment control plans submitted to our office. Ed’s role as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control can make a significant difference on a local scale. There are some common problems that can be found among erosion control plans. First, when too many controls are planned the result is an expensive plan that may or may not be an efficient plan. Another common problem is a poorly placed erosion control practice. Part of the review process is to make suggestions and comments to help the plan preparer. The plan is then only as good as the implementation and monitoring of the site. Changing site conditions may make it necessary to modify or substitute practices at various locations. It is the experience of field personnel that problem situations get cleared up. Continuous effective communication between all parties involved is the only way to a solution.
This communication is not only needed during the construction phase, but during the project planning, design, and then regularly during construction. As an erosion control professional, Ed uses a great deal of time to inform contractors and landowners not only the technical aspects of erosion control, but of its importance in protecting valuable resources for all of us.
Other construction activities that need to comply with this rule include project site owners or farmers constructing agriculturally-related facilities such as barns, livestock facilities, roads, agri-waste lagoons, lakes, ponds, wetlands, or other farming infrastructure that disturb one or more acres of soil.
For questions, call Tonya Williams, District Coordinator, at the Scott County SWCD office at 812-752-2269, extension 3 or email scottcountyswcd@gmail.com.
More information and forms are available at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management Rule 5 site.